
You can give birth and then allow another person or family to care for the child permanently.

Choosing Adoption

Each year, more than 50,000 American women facing an unplanned pregnancy choose to place their children in loving adoptive homes. Adoption is a permanent and legally binding agreement, and the birth mother can decide whether to keep the adoption open, semi-open or closed. Families throughout the country are looking to expand their families through adoption. Have questions about adoption? Contact APC to speak with a Client Advocate and receive a list of adoption agencies and resources.

We are here to help
We can talk about all these issues with you so you can decide if adoption is right for you.
Questions to ask yourself
  • Is adoption the right choice for me? Would it be the best option for the child?
  • Do I feel comfortable letting another family raise the child?
  • Do I believe the child will be cared for and treated well by the adoptive parents?
  • Would I choose a family from an adoption agency or consider a kinship adoption (to a family member)?
  • Do I feel unprepared to become a parent?
  • Am I ready to go through pregnancy and childbirth?
  • Will I be able to cope with the potential feelings of loss?
  • Will I want to visit the child (open adoption) or never see him or her again (closed adoption)?
  • Would I consider parenting or abortion?
  • Am I feeling pressured to choose adoption?

We are here for you

If you have questions about pregnancy, abortion procedures, adoption, parenting, and sexually transmitted infections, please don't hesitate to visit Alternatives Pregnancy Center.

All of our services are confidential and free of charge. Contact us for questions or help

